Saturday, July 25, 2009

My First Blog

Dear Reader,



            I was in Holland recently, and a friend picked me up at the airport. I mentioned that I was aware of the newly elected, right-wing Prime Minister, and I asked my friend how he felt about it. "Do you agree with him?", I asked. "No. I'm a socialist." was his response. I had never heard anyone admit openly that they were socialist, and it really caught me off guard. It got me thinking, and spurred the question,"If there are conservatives in a socialist country, are there socialists in America?" I believe the answer is yes, as I'm  pretty sure I've met a few socialists in America, though they probably wouldn't call themselves by that name. 

          So what then, does this mean? It means that there are people within the U.S. that want to use the instrumentalities of government to radically alter America as we know it. As Mark Levin writes in "Liberty And Tyranny" , "The Statist in America is no less resolute than his European counterpart but, by necessity, he is more cunning- where the European lurches and leaps, the American's steps are measured but steady." Despite socialism's utter failure to provide for a prosperous environment for the individuals under it's rule in virtually every place it has been implemented, some still fall victim to it's allure, equality. Sir Winston Churchill touched on this issue in saying, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the uneven division of blessings, while the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal division of misery." 

            Now, as a songwriter, I have the glorious task of focusing, at times, on my own miseries. Wording the misery so as to be relevant to many, and arranging music around said misery to make it more palatable. It's often easier to write the sad songs since the misery of life is so much heavier than the joy. The feeling of a serious hangover, the shock after a car accident, the pain of a broken heart, all outweigh the bliss that precedes these traumas. The pleasures of life are so fleeting when misery creeps around the corner and blindsides you with the horror of defeat! And this, my friends, is the problem. We humans, have a high tolerance for suffering. Throughout history, the weak have fallen victim to the powerful. Manifested in more ways than I can count, it has been the great battle of human nature, "Treat others as you would be treated." 

We are so selfish! Even at the beginning of life, children have to be taught manners, shrouding the selfish in a smile. When given the chance, we have, time and again, proven to be nothing but tyrants!

          Socialism, is an attempt to take the struggle between the powerful and the weak, and flip it on its head. A strong central government trying to level the playing field by taking the property of one and delivering it to another. The "big business" is painted as evil and the individual a pawn in the evil scheme. Class warfare ensues and Paris Hilton is called a "lazy trust fund baby" by someone in line at the welfare office. This serves only to allow one thing; the powerful fall victim to the weak. Mr. Hilton is told by the government that 9 hours out of his 10 hour workday "belong to the people". The top achievers have no incentive to continue earning at higher levels and the country suffers as a whole. This is exactly what the Founders wanted to prevent. Among other things, by empowering the individual, the Founders set up a system in which every single individual in this country has an equal opportunity to pursue his own personal interests, hopefully, tempered by respect for fellow man. Is there one among us today who can't, through his own choices, rise well beyond the levels of his birth, or for that matter, fall from high family standing? I think our newest president is the most glowing example of what any American can accomplish if only he strives to better himself through hard work.

          We modern Americans, do not know tyranny like others around the world, or more importantly, like our Founding Fathers knew it. We take for granted the liberties we enjoy like free speech, freedom of religion, voting rights in legitimate elections, etc. We assume that tomorrow, we will still have all of the same freedoms that we have today, and yet, our elected class works everyday on issues that can and will affect our freedom. I am going to work continuously, educating myself, preparing and exercising the right to articulate my position. Even though this right is guaranteed by the Constitution, I am not assured that it can't be taken away. As with other rights guaranteed by that document, like property rights, there may come a time when the people that claim to represent our interests conclude that we have too much freedom. This can only happen when those charged with interpreting the Constitution abandon prudence for political expediency. As James Madison once wisely stated, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." 

We cannot allow our elected class to trample our rights at their every whim. We must engage them and voice our concerns wherever necessary. The Founders were conservatives and conversely, conservatism is the answer to tyranny. Please educate yourself and get involved in what is going on in D.C. They currently have more power than ever before and they are not satisfied. We must all stand up before it is too late. Women, we need you to be articulate and fervent in your stance because if the conservative movement is to have any legitimacy, it must include your perspective as it is invaluable to the cause. I thank all of you for taking the time to read these words and I hope that it's at least been entertaining. That is, after all, what I do best.


Marc Broussard


  I have decided to start this blog so as to temper my rhetoric and spend time crafting my words. Many of you who read my words will more than likely disagree with my positions, and there is nothing wrong with that. I believe that freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the American Dream, and I encourage everyone to speak out when the time comes. We have to remember, at all times, that each of us wants only to see this country thrive and prosper, even if we have different methods of attaining that goal. In any event,  I can be silent no longer, and thus, you have read my first blog.





Tamara said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your first blog. I applaud you for putting your heart and soul towards our great Nation, on your sleeve. You are an artist who writes lyrics based on emotion, which I love; but it's when you are able to put your feelings towards something as important as where our country is headed, that I admire you the most.

Keep writing, keep being true to yourself and keep educating all of us on some very important issues. Whether people agree with what you have to say or not, there is one thing that cannot be disputed and that is it's an issue that should not be ignored.

All my best,

PS: You are truly a very talented writer, Marc. Have you ever thought of publishing a book?

Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm a big fan of yours and I'll be following this blog from Sweden!

Amy said...

Marc, again, you impress me. First off..I feel proud of our generation! You are a mere three years (I think) younger than me, and our generation has been called lazy, entitled and worse. Perhaps it is our geographical location, many say the south is backwards, redneck, country. But you know what I see? I see conservatism at it's best. I see hardworking AMERICANs standing up for what's right, what they believe in. I have always believed EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions, their beliefs and we are all allowed to feel what we feel. NO ONE should ever make you feel guilty for what you beleive and that is what liberals have done to me for years. I am supposed to HIDE that I don't support certain aspects of life. I am supposed to PRETEND I am cool with ILLEGAL immigrants invading my country (legal? Great! Come on in! You did it the right way) I'm supposed to allow myself to be called a racist because I don't support Obama? Well I've had it. HAD IT. My grandparents would faint if they saw the world we lived in. THis is NOT what my great grandparenst STARVED for in the great depression. And I have no doubt they prayed we'd never ever face that possibility again. But what have we done to ourselves? Why CAN'T a hard working person enjoy their money? Why should they give it to everyone else? Why should ever kid get picked to be on the team? Why are parents 'friends' with their kids before being role models and why can't I discipline my child without fear of being thrown in jail? WHY should I hesitate to say I believe in God? (I' don't by the way). Americans, at the core, are strong. IT's time to stop worrying about politically correct, STAND UP for what you believe in and shout it from the rooftops.

If not, I fear we'll be looking at a separation of our country. And that, I dont want to see.

Marc, THANK YOU for writing this, allowing me to rant! LOL I have always respected you as a talent and the fact that you stand up for your beliefs makes me respect you more!!
LONG LIVE Louisiana, MUSIC, and GOD fearing people!!

Louisiana said...

You might be my hero. Already love your music, had no idea you were a conservative too. Any chance you'll do any shows in Iowa anytime soon?

Susi said...

Nice essay. Enjoyed reading it. Next time u are in europe, can u please play a show in cologne, germany, as well? Greetings

Sean G said...

Great points. Well written first blog.

Unknown said...

I suspect I will often disagree with what you write, but I also think I'll find it very interesting.

Meg said...


First, hats off to you for being willing to put yourself out there. A lot of artists only seem willing to express their opinions when it's "safe" and I love your bravery. Because even in a society founded on free speech, it still takes courage to use that freedom.

While I don't consider myself a conservative, I think you bring up some good points. One key sentence in your blog really struck me...

"every single individual in this country has an equal opportunity to pursue his own personal interests, hopefully, tempered by respect for fellow man."

I think many of the difficulties we're dealing with as a country derive from the disintegration of respect for our fellow man. And a great way to start demonstrating that respect is openly listening and communicating.

Let's stop labeling each other conservative or liberal, right or left, right or wrong. As human beings, we all just want to be happy, prosper, give and receive love. Let's focus on cheering each other on to that collective happiness and we really can solve he world's problems. Because that shared happiness will keep us talking.

Thank you for taking the time to present an educated forum for discussion. I love your music, and now I can look forward to being inspired by your writing as well.

God bless and best of luck with the new album :)

Rachel said...


I enjoy your music and I will always be a fan of yours. I think it's great that you are voicing your opinions. More people should have the courage to do so.
I guess the only part that I am wondering about is your opinion on illegal immigration. I understand that it takes away from possible American jobs because many immigrants will work for cheaper labor. However, do you think they enter this country wanting to be an illegal immigrant? Many of them are just trying to earn money to care for their families, just like you and I. They come to this country because it is known as a place of freedom. Legal citizenship does not happen over night. The process is arduous and painful. I guess it is hard for me to label someone as legal/illegal without looking at them as a person first. Everyone has a story and I think it's important to hear those stories in order to produce real change.

Rachel Held

hiphopapotamus said...

It would be hard to look at the generally accepted definitions of socialism and unequivocally call any European nation socialist, such as The Netherlands. Socialism and Communism are generally concerned with creating a more equal distribution in the ownership of the means of production, and no European country has had a Socialist revolution. I would also certainly not consider the Soviet Union or China a Socialist system, and I'm sure those are the countries you allude to with "socialism's utter failure to provide...". They are at best examples of totalitarian dictatorships.

Since you are clearly not referring to actual class struggle and workers rights, and more to things like universal health care and welfare, I suppose it would be useful to think about similar systems in place in the beloved USA. Defense, roads, schools, libraries, police, etc are all examples of socialized systems in the US, so I can only assume that you would like to see those things privatized as well. Health insurance (and all other forms of insurance) currently is simply a private socialized risk pool; but maybe thats excusable since someone is making money off of it, ...right?

It's hard to even respond to the comments on Paris Hilton, since they are just pulled out of a hat. Frankly, people in the nations you consider to be socialist work fewer hours than Americans do. 'Top achievers' is a rather subjective term. I don't think many research scientists in large companies and universities have the ability to 'continue earning at higher levels', but I would consider them to be much more productive than say, the level of management above them. This seems to be a restating of the American dream, whatever that actually is, that anyone can become rich. But not only is that just not true, it is rather statistically unlikely. It is easy to point at outliers who have gone from rags to riches, but they are most definitely exceptions. If it wasn't unlikely, then we'd have a much more egalitarian system and it would then also be called socialist.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the Founding Fathers did not write capitalism into the constitution. And it is hard to take seriously the idea that the Founding Fathers actually knew tyranny. They were all rich, white land owners. Maybe you mean to say they knew OF tyranny, like we know of tyranny in many African nations. Your concern about the sanctity the myriad amendments to the constitution is slightly puzzling. You are worried that a small group of people will decide that we no longer need those protections. This situation of course comes about because of the document you so revere. And there's the fact that the Constitution itself was written by a handful of select individuals, with plenty of safeguards against actual democracy: the electoral college, limits on who is eligible to serve in the 3 branches of government, the lifetime appoints to the Supreme Court, etc.

ON this last bit about conservatism being the answer to tyranny, that is a rather bizarre equivalency to make, so I'd like to make my own. The Founding Fathers had beards, so the answer to tyranny is beards. Maybe that's hyperbole but oh well. How does one look at the Founding Fathers as being incredible rebels, fighters of tyranny, forces for liberty, and then call them conservative?

Unknown said...

Rachel, I have one comment about the immigration from my own perspective. While I do understand their need to want to come here, because epsecially in California they will get basically everything they want; there ARE ways to go through the true process. The rules and laws for immigration were put in place for a purpose. And I do agree they are RIDICULOUSLY stringent, I believe they are necessary. My very own sister had to jump through many many hoops to get her now husband over here so they could be married. It took a year, lots of paperwork and prob many martini's drunk on her part, but she did it--legally and now they live happily ever after in AMERICA. No one said living the American dream was easy. So if a potential immigrant wants to live the American dream, it may very well be a long hard row to hoe.

Just my .02.

Unknown said...

Oh side note, my first msg should say i DO believe in God--I mean I don't HESITATE to say i believe in God. OOps.

Anonymous said...


Wow! Way to not only blast out of the starting gate but set it on fire on the way out! Your first blog is impressive in so many ways. I've enjoyed your music for awhile now and once your tweets revealed you share the identical values and beliefs I do, I was sold. You truly have a gift of putting your feelings into words that are easy to digest and I'm so glad you are sharing that gift with us fellow conservatives out here in this great country. I still think you need your own talk show on Patriot but until then, I'll be here anxiously awaiting your next post. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Rachel said...

Hi Amy,
Thanks for your comments. I can see where you are coming from. I just feel that it's not always that easy. Have you seen the documentary called Sin Nombre? I definitely recommend it. It's a very real story of a family trying to get to America. They have no other choice but to try and enter illegally because they are desperate to escape the life in which they are living. It's a very moving and enlightening story, definitely check it out if you have time.

hobsong said...

I cannot agree with Mark Levin's assertion that the "socialists" in America are more "cunning" than European Socialists. Aside from just pointing out that socialism in Europe has been more widely-accepted, Democrats in America have always been likely to vote for people who outright have nothing remotely to do with socialism. Check out the electoral college maps from the last 40 years. 1972, Nixon takes every state from McGovern except Massachusetts and DC. The cunning New York, Cali socialists voted for Nixon, all part of the master plan? 1980 and 1984, they go to Reagan, along with Massachusetts. Where are the socialists? All those elections were unbelievable landslides.

1996 should have been an unbelievable landslide as well, only we are going to see a hermaphroditic president before we see Utah and Kansas vote Democrat. Whatever you call conservative principles: libertarian, paleo-con, neo-con, oreo-con, they don't actually need to exist in government for certain groups of people in certain states to brand themselves Republican for life.

The fact that people can be easily manipulated by fallacious appeals to culture differences and fear-mongering, that is what enables real tyranny. Mark Levin knows what he is doing when he uses the word; it's the same Karl Rove style appeal to our basest fears, just as McCarthyism rose out of the nuclear threat. It's been the bread-and-butter to stay in power for a group that has shown zero penchant for thinking past the very short-term. Quotes from historical figures like Churchill that do not present any logic don't help either; they are just pure appeals to nostalgia through historical romanticism, something you employ in your references to our founders. They were not immaculately conceived, and their quotes cover so many areas that it is a waste of time trying to figure out exactly who they really were in philosophical belief. They were though, undoubtedly, as hiphopapotamus says: rich, white land owners. I would add that they were 100% complicit in the systematic elimination of the Native Americans, tyranny at its finest.

You ask women to stand up, but women did not even have the right to vote 100 years ago. If they need to stand for maintaining America's tradition, they would be standing for their own subjugation, since that period dominates most of America's timeline. We need to get far, far away from how women and other minority groups were treated during our founders' time, for that was true tyranny.

I'll end this with a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

"I consider [trial by jury] as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

Apply that to Jose Padilla and countless others during the Bush administration's abuse of power. Then you'll be taking this country where it needs to go.

Angelynn said...

I am an American Socialist. I believe in the socialized programs in America (libraries, fire dept, schools, etc.) and I believe in universal health care. While I agree that Socialism isn't perfect, I'd like for you to site me an example of Capitalism that is? There isn't one.

There are some things people should not get wealthy off of; putting out fires, loaning books and most importantly, they should not get wealthy at the expense of others well being.

Marc Broussard said...

Fire Departments and Police Departments are locally funded and regulated. Localities elect the heads of these institutions. They are not "socialized" programs. How can one not see that a communist nation is a socialist nation? Communism is a form of socialism. Why can't a wealthy land owner know tyranny? Cuba was full of wealthy land owners and they were chased out by tyranny. Does a wealthy man not experience tyranny when held at gunpoint by a criminal who breaks into his home? The Founders may have owned land, but they were being ruled without their consent. That's called tyranny.

hobsong said...

The Fire and Police Departments are funded through compulsion. Everyone in the municipality must pay taxes (usually property) to fund them, and theoretically, the benefits to the residents of the municipality are equal. Socialized services that are on the local rather than the federal level are still socialized. One could apply utopian capitalism to all of these services: "Wouldn't it be great if fire departments competed, police competed, road-pavers competed for drivers through their toll booths, libraries competed for patrons, etc.? They have no incentive in the current system..."

We choose not to because some things are just too important to be provided through reckless capitalism. Health-care is one of them; too important for the profit motive.

The examples you cite show reasons why the word tyranny is hard to define. Is everything that is unfair in life to be called tyranny? A teacher gives you a undeserved bad grade, a referee calls a foul you didn't commit, all tyranny? I believe the word should be reserved for instances in which a ruler or group of absolute power is serving only the interests of a few, the way those supposedly communist and socialist nations governed. And when the Bush administration tried to circumvent the check, designed into our constitution, that the judiciary has on executive-branch power.

What's up with the comment moderation still being on? I thought you wanted this to be free rein? And I thought you valued liberty ;-)

Amy (google giving me issues) said...

Here is my major problem with Communist/Socialist ideals:

That those in high power are the ones who decide EVERYTHING for EVERYONE. There is NO discussion, no voting, no problem solving. But human nature is diverse. Our beliefs are diverse. Why should one man in office tell me how to raise my kids? Why should anyone say I MUST vaccinate my children or they can't go to school? (I do not vaccinate for religious reasons and am entitled to that under AMERICAN DEMOCRACY--would I be in a communist/socialist country? Nope.)

No, democracy and capitalism is NOT perfect--who said it was? No form of government is perfect. Except God's and until He once again is EVERYONE's Lord and Master, we are under our own devices. One day we will all be at peace and see the right and Godly way to do things.

But until then, I see no use of turning this great country into another China, Russia, etc. This is NOT what our forefather's fought for. This is not what men fought and DIED for on the beaches of Normandy.

I do not want to become another Anne Frank hiding in my attic. And I will be eventually because I refuse to go along with the ridiculous charade of 'hope and change' that is trying to overtake our land.

I will not go down without a fight and I applaud anyone who has the balls to speak their mind. Thank you Marc for allowing us to share.


And again, in case anyone forgets, just because I'm conservative does not mean I don't have liberal friends and love them! I have healthy, honest debate with my own brother who is a gay man, as liberal as they come :) But we can still debate in love and kindness and I appreciate that can be done here.

jeanmarie said...

Didn't think I could like you anymore! I applaud you!

A fellow Cajun. :)

Pangwin said...

Apparently this means that we "have no plan to move this country forward" and we are all part of "the mob." Sounds like a ploy to censor opposing opinions. Check out the commercial, here: